The final two weeks of Lent are also known as “Passiontide.”  Simply put it is reserved for us to focus on the passion and death of Christ.  During this time the Church’s liturgy becomes more somber and a more sorrowful atmosphere is created by veiling statues, crucifixes, and artwork in the church.  A “fasting of the eyes” one might say.  As we are reminded of Christ’s perfect surrender, we are encouraged to surrender ourselves to Christ.  My students might say the faithful are “locking in” during this time as it brings us a heightened awareness of the Lenten sacrifice.    

During “Passiontide” the Passion of our Lord should be our sole focus.  St. John Chrysostom would encourage us to “double-down” our alms and works of mercy.  Many of us enter the Lenten season with a plethora of good intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions…

The Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday) will be here before we know it.  Let’s not wait until the eleventh hour to prepare ourselves.  Perhaps you vowed to increase your fasting, charity, or scripture reading.  Welp, now’s the time to do it.  We only have two weeks left. 

Racehorses wear blinders to maintain focus and improve performance.  During Passiontide it is time to put on our metaphorical blinders and home in on the altar.  Jesus chose to save us instead of Himself.  How might we make ourselves worthy as we walk with Him on the road to Golgotha?