We are told our God is just which is a relief because humans are obsessed with justice. But what we think is just and what God thinks is just may be very different things. If someone hurts us, we want them to “get what’s coming to them.” We may even cheer and feel happy when something bad happens to said person. But is that what God wants?
I’m not going to lie, there are certain people in this world (sex traffickers, child abusers, murderers) I would prefer to end up in hell. Because that would be logical and that would seem fair. But I fear that’s not how God rolls…
We are told not to worry about justice, to leave it up to God. But that’s easier said than done right? I read somewhere that the best thing we can do for justice is to pray. So, if you know someone being treated unfairly, or your heart breaks thinking of all the innocent children of the world being misused, please pray with me.
Lord help us to fight injustice in the right way, may we always look to you as the solution. Oh Lord, that there would be more and more hearts transformed by your grace. May this time of injustice produce opportunities for conversation to talk about your grace, mercy, and forgiveness.