Feast Day: June 13

Should my husband ever divorce me, you can guarantee it will be caused by my inability to keep track of my personal belongings.  Here I was again this afternoon, in a panic, tearing apart the house trying to find my wallet.  Forget the sacraments, are you even a Catholic until St. Anthony’s grace helps you retrieve something that is lost?    

Now for as many times as I have prayed to St. Anthony, I am ashamed to admit I don’t know much about him.  So, let’s review. 

St. Anthony of Padua is Patron of the Poor, born in 1195, just 13 years after St. Francis and the two seem to parallel each other in many ways.  St. Anthony was idolized for his preaching, to the point where he needed a bodyguard to protect him from followers trying to cut off part of his habit as a relic.  Just imagine what his views on TED Talk would be today! 

So how does Patron Saint of the Poor become famous for finding lost things?  In short, St. Anthony’s psalter (book of psalms) was stolen by a novice exiting the community.  St. Anthony prayed for its recovery and the thief was moved to take back the psalter and return to the order.

There is also a term for the offerings made in thanksgiving to God for St. Anthony’s blessings: “St. Anthony’s Bread.”  In the 13th century you would have given actual bread to the poor in thanks, but in modern times it is seen as money for the poor to buy food.  I am also just learning that parents can also make a gift to the poor after placing a newborn under the protection of St. Anthony.

So, it looks like I will be writing some checks for homeless shelters tomorrow, as St. Anthony obviously led me to find my wallet.  Also, let’s face it, with my track record, I will most likely be praying to St. Anthony quite a bit in the future.

Thanks again Tony!