Raw expression of the Catholic faith

The Magic of Lent

There is something magical about Lent, I daresay even more so than Christmas.  Perhaps because we live in a world where Christmas has morphed into the exact opposite of what it should be.  In our culture Christmas has become a season where people increase their anxiety meds just to cope with the pressure.  Throughout finding everyone the perfect gift, creating magical memories, and maintaining family harmony, it’s no wonder that Christ gets lost in Christmas.  Lent on the other hand is different. 

Look closely and you will see a glimmer in the eyes of every Catholic on Ash Wednesday the second they see that dark smudge on the forehead of someone new.  So much more than ashes it’s a sign of community, comradery, and solidarity.  That aha moment of, “Hey, I didn’t know you were Catholic!” On Ash Wednesday Catholics wear their ashes with pride, strutting down the street with the swagger of a quarterback who just won the Super Bowl. 

Funny how a season of sacrifice and self-deprivation can trigger such excitement.  Perhaps because we understand that in the light at the end of the tunnel lies a better version of ourselves.  During Lent we are more active members of the church.  We make pledges to go to mass, confession, fast, and pray with more rigor than we do any other time of the year.  Then, come Easter Sunday we feel reborn and rejuvenated.  So, the question remains, “If Lent is so powerful, why can’t we maintain our stamina year-round?”  Perhaps like anything else the hype has an expiration date.  Just as the cheetah can only last a few seconds at top speed, so do the confines of our humanity. 

              Still, don’t be disheartened, that’s just even more reason to make this Lent the best Lent ever!  If our maximum potential awaits us in these next 40 days let’s make every minute count.  Yes, we should strive to be perfect Catholics all year round, but for now let’s focus on the next goalpost.  Let’s aim to be the best version of ourselves, and let’s do it together! 

Welcome to Lent 2024 everyone.  Let the transformation begin.  It’s game time!      


How to Pray for Purpose: FEARLESSLY


Making Time for Lent


  1. Jennie Maloney

    I’m inspired already! Lent 2024! 🎉

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